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We, the Warners (Anne and Scott), are in what most call their golden years - yes, we're well beyond middle age. Travel is a big part of our semi retired lives, We work as seasonal National Park Service rangers in the summer to fund the winter travel, and we're keen to do as much as we can (and can afford) before it becomes too difficult or impossible. Ever since I first took French in junior high school many years ago, I’ve loved the idea of spending time in France. We've done a fair amount of independent travel in the US and other parts of the world including two and a half months in Europe in 2011 along with some river and ocean cruising. If you don't believe in guardian angels, I can tell you stories about some we met during that two and a half months in 2011 that may not have saved our lives, but certainly helped save our day and our sanity!

We've loved all things "Rick Steves" since his guidebooks, podcasts, even luggage, etc. have enabled us to do as much independent travel as we've managed so far. We finally decided the time had some to try the real thing for ourselves. We chose back to back tours Best of Sicily in 11 Days  and Best of Paris in 7 Days. We were already in Europe after all so why not two tours (save on airfare), and we were not disappointed with our choices!

I visited Paris for the first time in 2011 and vowed I'd come back. This time knowledgeable guides made a big difference as well as the fact we stayed in a hotel with a great central location. We hope you'll enjoy this journey with us as we explore with Patrick ("chief people wrangler") and our local guides for the week. 

Home in North Georgia

Copenhagen, Hong Kong, Germany, Great Britain and with Rick Steves in Sicily - and yes, local food is huge for us in our travels. We had plenty of that with Patrick. We laugh and say we travel on our stomachs!

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